New Leaf Education
Online Tutoring Solution
A Registered California Business
Class Options
Select the pace that works best for you!
Students can meet between one and three times a week.
Classes are conducted online through Zoom.
Grades Available: 4th - College
Tutoring sessions are tailored to each individual student. Depending on the student's goals, classes can focus on:
• Receiving assistance with current schoolwork
• Reviewing and practicing specific skills or subjects in order to build confidence and advance in those areas
• Learning new concepts and strategies
...and more.
During the free consultation and testing, we will work together to clarify the learning objectives for the class. Each lesson will be tailored to work towards these goals.
Grades Available: High School
Test courses consist of practice tests, supplementary materials, and targeted lessons that enhance student's skills in weak areas. I currently teach the following exams:
• SAT Reading & Writing (new test as of 2024)
• AP English Language & Composition
• AP English Literature & Composition
• AP United States History
• AP United States Government & Politics
• AP World History: Modern
Grades Available: All
• Students of all skill levels are welcome
• Any of the other courses can be tailored to ESL/ELD students.
• I am happy to help Legal Permanent Residents (green card holders) practice their English for the citizenship test. I am familiar with the N-400 and the interview.
Levels Available: All
• Improve written and verbal communication skills
• Learn specific vocabulary, colloquialisms, and idioms
• Practice email composition, interview preparation, and other communication strategies depending on the client's goals.
• Improve pronunciation and listening comprehension